5G Crisis Summit
- Posted By MarketGuy
- Posted on April 27, 2020
- 5G, Anti-Aging, Brain Function, DNA, Health, Mens Health, Sleep, Technology, Women's Health
- No Comments.

Attend the 5G Crisis Summit: June 1-7, 2020
You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they had no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any.
Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm.
Despite this, the wireless industry is working with governments to deploy 5G — it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent.
What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity — millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other “rights-of-way” for existing utilities.
Each tower emits radiation at levels known to cause weakened immunity, cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk.
Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover:
- 5G defined: research, facts and awareness
- Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
- Sources of wireless radiation and “dirty electricity” in your home
- Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance
- How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
- Simple, empowering actions you can take
- Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
- And more!
Josh del Sol, activist and filmmaker, and Sayer Ji, co-founder of GreenMedInfo, have teamed up for an important event, The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit. Learn more below…
As consumers, we’re being told that 5G means faster downloads and greater connectivity.
As healthy humans and parents, we’re NOT being told about the serious risks to health, our fundamental rights and basic freedoms.
Both sides of this heated debate agree, 5G will mean installations every few homes, throughout our neighborhoods, without our consent.
That’s an exponential increase of millions of new transmitters; it’s because 5G has a higher frequency than previous signals, and it travels a shorter distance.
And, these transmitters will emit microwave and millimeter wave frequencies 24/7, 365 days a year.
The reality: There’s a rapidly growing debate around the safety of 5G and wireless radiation, with numerous studies showing evidence of harmful biological effects.
But, the industrial-telecom-government complex is rubber-stamping permits to deploy numerous new 5G satellites and millions of small transmission sites — lamp posts, telephone poles, etc. — next to our homes and schools, and are even passing new laws to strip decision-making power from cities and communities so they can’t fight it.
Even more alarming, 5G is rapidly rolling out with the industry dismissing numerous peer-reviewed, independent studies showing the risks it presents… they simply don’t think they have to or need to.
I hope you see the need to learn more from Josh and Sayer at The 5G Crisis Summit, which will gather the world’s leading experts, scientists, doctors and researchers.
Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free, online event!
Click the button below to register for The 5G Crisis Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!
Choose a FREE Gift when you Enroll Today!
Select the FREE Gift you would like to receive from the selections below.
You will also be enrolled to attend The 5G Crisis Summit, FREE and online June 1-7, 2020.
Unlock Josh del Sol’s 19-page eBook, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation

5G wireless is rapidly expanding on a global level… without public consent and despite THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies that indicate it is harmful to your health.
Fortunately, armed with simple solutions, protecting ourselves and our loved-ones can be straightforward.
In this 19-page eBook, Josh del Sol has compiled the best research from his 8-year deep dive into electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation.
With 5G rollouts, reducing our EMF exposure is becoming extremely vital to the greater process of taking back our power. Taking back our immediate environment in a positive and life-centric way is a significant step.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit taking place on June 1-7, 2020
Unlock GreenMedInfo’s 505-page eBook, Nature’s Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs

Far too much emphasis is placed on using drugs first, while the world-wide, centuries-old practice of using plants to prevent disease and restore health during illness often gets ignored.
Nature’s Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs is meant to serve as a bridge between conventional and alternative healing practices.
These days, we are given only one side of the story and not the other. Both sides of the story of healing practices need to be taken into consideration so that individuals can make informed choices regarding their health and that of their loved ones.
Worse yet, harmful side effects of medication are glossed over until severe illness, or death, jolts people into considering an alternative.
Using evidenced-based dietary and herbal remedies, instead of pharmaceutical medications, could be the alternative you’ve been seeking for disease prevention and vibrant health.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit taking place on June 1-7, 2020
HealthMeans has unlocked some of their most influential interviews about EMFs and 5G

There is SO MUCH to be learned from these 3 interview transcripts — in fact, there are practically always amazing insights from these icons in natural health and wellness who have made it their mission to help heal the world!
In this 37-page document, you’ll learn about:
- “EMF, 5G Cell Towers, Geoengineering and Retroviruses” with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
- “A Danger We Can’t See” with Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman
- “The Connection Between Headaches and Chronic Disease” with Dr. Jay Davidson
Here are some astonishing quotes from the interviews:
Dr. Deitrich Klinghardt
“There are two factors that drive the epitome of chronic illness: one is the WiFi environment; and the other is agrochemicals, the chemicals used to grow our food. If you could control those two factors,there would virtually be no chronic illness. We would have succeeded in eradicating cancer and eradicating pretty much all chronic illnesses.”
Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman
“The electromagnetic fields which are highly biologically active — they don’t actually heat the body the way an ionizing radiation or X-rays do — but the cells in your body really react to these EMFs as potentially harmful. And they shut down.”
Dr. Jay Davidson
“Viruses, parasites, bacteria, these different stressors can cause coagulation
of the blood. Even EMFs — electromagnetic fields — or what’s technically called EMRs now, electromagnetic radiation from WiFi and Bluetooth, they can also change. Cell phones right to your head can change the coagulation of blood.”
As you can see, these transcripts are full of worthwhile perspectives and tricks of the trade, so I hope you’ll take a moment to download them today.
When you download this amazing resource, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit taking place on June 1-7, 2020.
Unlock Martin Pall’s 127-page eBook, 5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective

We know that there is a substantial amount of literature that provides a high level of scientific certainty for each of the eight pathophysiological effects caused by non-thermal microwave frequency EMF exposures.
This 127-page eBook scientifically demonstrates, beyond any reasonable doubt, the biologically harmful effects of 5G deployments and wireless radiation in general.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit taking place on June 1-7, 2020

Own The 5G Crisis Summit expert advice today!
The implementation of 5G wireless means that millions of “small” cell towers, with surveillance capabilities, will be added to every neighborhood and city block.
Each emitting radiation at levels known to cause weakened immunity, cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk.
When you own the expert talks from the 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit,you’ll discover:
- 5G defined: research, facts and awareness
- Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
- Sources of wireless radiation and “dirty electricity” in your home
- Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance
- How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
- Simple, empowering actions you can take, here and now
- Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
- And more!
Our 40+ experts are here to show you how 5G wireless is an invasive technological platform that can damage our health and privacy. Learn the science behind 5G, with resources and solutions for your home and community.
Every package includes audio/video talks + PDF transcripts eBook + bonus guides, books and programs!
Buy the 5G Crisis Summit & get the following FREE Gifts!
4 Solutions to the 5G Problem Masterclass from Josh del Sol – FROM JOSH DEL SOL
Josh del Sol’s comprehensive, 5-part course presents solutions to the 5G problem for every level: community/city, home, health, body/spirit. In these 5 classes, Josh presents the answers via in-depth, expert interviews and Q&A sessions.
Buy today and you’ll unlock the ONLINE (PDF) TRANSCRIPTS BOOK — read every word from every day’s interviews!
Get immediate access to this valuable information when you purchase the summit.
Click the button below to own the 5G Crisis Summit and access this valuable information today!
This post was written byMarketGuy
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