Better Brain Summit
- Posted By MarketGuy
- Posted on February 22, 2021
- Anti-Aging, Brain Function, Memory, Mens Health, natural medicine, nervous system, Self-Improvement, Women's Health
- No Comments.
Why attend A Better Brain Summit?
Your host, Dr. Patrick Porter, began creating his very first affirmation session to help train and strengthen his brain when he was just 12 years old.
From the moment his father trained him to use technology-driven meditation, he knew he wanted to share this with the world.
As creator of BrainTap technology and head of mind-based studies at Quantum University, he’s spent his career empowering people to tackle the challenges of today’s stressful world and enhance their quality of life through improved brain health.
He’s here to help you make the breakthrough you need for a better brain today, tomorrow and the rest of your life!
He wants to teach you HOW to think, not WHAT to think!
A Better Brain Summit will teach you:
- Key strategies for building brain resiliency
- Early warning signs of neurodevelopmental disorders
- Approaches to overcome common sleep issues
- How environmental contaminants impact your brain
- Brain nourishing fats, foods and supplements
- Implications of light therapy for Alzheimer’s and ADHD
- Benefits of mindfulness and meditation
- And so much more!
We have something for everyone, whether you’re a peak performer, a parent wanting to improve your child’s ability to learn or if you or a loved one have been diagnosed with dementia and have been told there’s nothing that can be done.
It is a commonly held belief that once we reach adulthood our brains are hard-wired and incapable of dramatic change.
Most people believe that if you have Alzheimer’s, dementia or some memory issues as you get older, you are destined to a life of cognitive decline.
But that doesn’t have to be the case.
Our brains have the capacity and potential to adapt and change, i.e., they have neuroplasticity.
In his work with Dr. Kelly Miller, Dr. Patrick Porter conducted a research study with women 55-65 years old who had been told they had dementia to test the results of a six-week protocol of BrainTap.
After the study, they recorded a 49% neuroplastic change, and five people in the pilot study were all completely off the dementia spectrum. (And this gave them, as researchers, the data they needed to conduct a larger, future study.)
You can truly get started on better health today!
Choose a FREE Gift when you Register Today!
Select the FREE Gift you would like to receive from the selections below.
You will also be registered to attend the A Better Brain Summit, Free and online March 29 – April 4, 2021.
Unlock Patrick K. Porter’s 276-page eBook, Thrive in Overdrive, and learn how to navigate your overloaded lifestyle and lead a healthy, balanced life!

We are a society that wants to have it all, and this eBook is a how-to for doing just that. In it, you will discover the blueprint for leading a healthy, balanced life physically, mentally and spiritually, while at the same time enjoying success and financial rewards!
Reducing stress is essential to your well-being. It is responsible for over eighty-five percent of all illnesses in our modern society and is, in fact, deadly.
Discover an accurate and practical guide to managing stress, improving your life and even overcoming unwanted habits, all while maintaining your hectic daily schedule.
This eBook will help you learn how to use creative visualization and relaxation to promote healthy thinking, constructive action and freedom from limiting, negative thoughts — so you can thrive in overdrive without letting stress overload you.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Better Brain Summit taking place on March 29 – April 4, 2021.
Unlock HealthMeans’ 34-page eBook, Improve Your Brain Health, and learn strategies and tips to protect and/or improve your brain health and optimize its performance!

Are you striving to optimize your health to live and enjoy your best life? Then you may want to improve your brain’s health and performance!
Because of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, it’s never too late to make positive changes in your habits to optimize brain health and enhance performance.
You have it within your power to grow new brain cells and rewire the connections between them.
As presented in this eBook, there are many factors within your control to improve your brain health today and throughout your life.
We’ll explore brain health, what it is, why it’s important and what you can do to protect your brain.
It’s never too late to make changes to optimize your brain health, it’s also never too early, so get started today to live your best life!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Better Brain Summit taking place on March 29 – April 4, 2021.
Own The A Better Brain Summit. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. expert advice today!
Your access to these talks allows you to download or watch them online!
It’s a commonly held belief that once we reach adulthood, our brains are “hard-wired” and incapable of dramatic change.
Most people believe that if you have Alzheimer’s, dementia or some memory issues as you get older, you are destined to a life of cognitive decline.
However, recent research has led neuroscientists to believe that our brains are much more malleable, flexible and able to shift physically and psychologically than we ever thought.
When you know how to properly manage your brain, it’s possible to improve focus and memory, decrease stress and anxiety, relax deeply and sleep soundly.
Looking for the tools you need to train and protect your brain? Let’s find them together!
Lean on the wisdom of our brain health experts to learn:
- Key strategies for building brain resiliency
- Early warning signs of neurodevelopmental disorders
- Approaches to overcome common sleep issues
- How environmental contaminants impact your brain
- Brain nourishing fats, foods and supplements
- Implications of light therapy for Alzheimer’s and ADHD
- Benefits of mindfulness and meditation
- And so much more!
Free Bonus Gift
Purchase The A Better Brain Summit. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. to receive the following FREE gift!

Depression and Dementia Prevention Supplement eGuides
From Trevor King
Get two guides in one to help in the fight against two of the biggest enemies of a healthy brain: depression and dementia. These excellent, in-depth guides from The Live Better Group will introduce you to the most effective key supplements for preventing and treating depression and dementia. Discover how adding supplementation to your daily routine can help restore your energy and prevent cognitive decline.
This post was written byMarketGuy
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