Body Electric Summit 2.0
- Posted By MarketGuy
- Posted on January 11, 2021
- Anti-Aging, Brain Function, Detox, Health, Increase Energy, Mens Health, Self-Improvement, Women's Health
- No Comments.
Why attend Body Electric Summit 2.0?
Your host, Dr. Christine Schaffner, often sees patients who have been struggling with their health for decades and have, on average, seen over 20 physicians before they come to see her.
She’s found that by supporting their bodies and addressing energetic and electrical “interruptions” in their energy systems and “interference fields” with frequency medicine and its powerful modalities, she’s been able to help them create a systemic resonance of healing.
She’s here to help you by sharing her experience in this exciting field of medicine.
As part of The Body Electric Summit 2.0, you will:
- Meet the pioneers in exploring the Body Electric
- Explore light, sound and color therapies
- Gain an understanding of the role of advanced hydration
- Discover clinical energy medicine applications
- Learn to mediate the negative impacts of EMFs
- Access strategies to support mitochondrial health
- Learn about the connection between trauma and brain health
- Learn to harness group energy to create healing
- Advance your knowledge of biohacking, energy codes and frequency healing
- And so much more!
We are about to enter a new age, where technology and its potential to disrupt our personal energy fields will surround and impact us even more than it does today.
Although we may live longer lives, we do not live better lives — yet. The trajectory must be shifted toward health and vitality. Despite having more medical advances than ever before, diseases like cancer, autism and chronic illness continue to devastate the landscape of humanity.
Biofield science offers a new opportunity to reverse these trends and shift the paradigm of chronic disease and the rampant compromised quality of life we see right now.
Make no mistake, you have a powerful opportunity to change this.
You’re invited to explore the exciting, innovative field of frequency medicine and its many applications and newest modalities, including ozone, PEMF, photodynamic therapy, harmonizing technologies and biomagnetism.
You’ll learn from the world’s leading experts in advanced nutrition and hydration, light and sound healing, integrative health, anti-aging and lifestyle medicine for powerful new modalities, unique tools and easy-to-implement frameworks to create your informed, inspired, health-filled, energized life.
Join us to discover a powerful recipe for a truly energized life!
When you register for The Body Electric Summit 2.0, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!
Choose a FREE Gift when you Register Today!
Select the FREE Gift you would like to receive from the selections below.
You will also be registered to attend the Body Electric Summit 2.0, Free and online February 22-28, 2021!.
Unlock Dr. Christine Schaffner’s eGuide, Your Body Electric: An Introduction to Bioenergetics, and learn the basic principles of energy, frequency and vibrational healing!

It’s easy to view the body as a machine or series of chemical reactions. Getting enough sleep and exercise, eating well and taking medications when necessary should help the machine’s chemical reaction run smoothly. That, of course, is NOT the reality. People are NOT machines. We are so much more than a mass of chemical reactions.
If we consider the body as a series of electromagnetic processes, rather than just chemical ones, there is a new level of understanding of how the body’s bioenergetic fields impact overall health.
This informative eGuide walks you through the basic principles of energy, frequency and vibrational healing and introduces therapies that will change your own bioenergetic system.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Body Electric Summit 2.0 taking place on February 22-28, 2021.
Unlock Dr. Christine Schaffner’s powerful eGuide, Energy Hygiene: Healing Checklists and Practical Guidebook, and learn energy hygiene techniques to help protect you and your family!

Stop and think about everything you do with your body in just a single minute.
Think about every breath you take, every beat of your heart. You move your limbs, you blink your eyes, you think about what you’re going to do in that next minute and the next one and the next one.
A lot happens in a minute.
Your body never truly stops, not for one second. Even when you’re sleeping your body is healing itself, your brain is communicating with the rest of the body and everything keeps functioning. Every single moment your body is doing something, and every single action requires energy.
We are built to self regulate and to heal, but we can’t do that if we don’t have the energy we need. And unfortunately, our modern world is increasingly becoming energy depleting. We’re constantly being bombarded by waves and vibrations that are harming our bodies. Everyday, seemingly benign and harmless technology is affecting our health. When you couple that with the mounting daily stress and tension of the average individual, the body itself cannot maintain the energy it needs to heal and stay healthy.
In order to recover, in order to have the energy we need for everything in our lives, we need to look at the source of our problems. A lack of energy is the symptom, not the cause. In order to recover from a chronic illness, we need to apply therapeutic strategies that address not only biochemistry but often biophysics as well. Disease starts when there are energetic imbalances and blocks in the energy flow within the body.
Understanding and practicing basic energy hygiene is a powerful way to maintain and reclaim your health.
With checklists, protocols for daily hygiene and steps to clean up your home, this guide is definitely not to be missed!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Body Electric Summit 2.0 taking place on February 22-28, 2021.
Unlock Dr. Christine Schaffner’s 20-page eGuide, Essential Brain Hygiene, and learn why having a daily brain hygiene practice is just as vital to your health as brushing your teeth!

Your first line of defense against neurological degeneration and disease is the waste clearance system of the brain: your glymphatic system. It drains toxins while you sleep and brings nutrients to neurons.
By ensuring your glymphatic system is working properly, you both support optimum brain health and boost your immune system to respond to toxins and infections that can cause neurological disease.
Discover three essential ways you can support your glymphatic system and simple changes you can make to support and protect your brain. You’ll learn strategies for removing toxins from your brain and reducing the impact of neurological disease and receive information about key supplements and binders that optimize brain health.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Body Electric Summit 2.0 taking place on February 22-28, 2021.
Unlock HealthMeans’ 20-page eBook, 8 Surprising Ways Beliefs Impact Our Health, and learn how what you believe can help support positive health outcomes!

There’s a common saying that goes, “If you believe it, it will happen.” Maybe this is a statement that you are highly skeptical of, or maybe it is a statement that you agree with. The truth lies somewhere in between.
Although it’s difficult to “believe something specific into existence” there is a surprising amount of evidence that supports the fact that our beliefs can and do impact our emotional and physical health.
So which beliefs affect our health and well-being? How exactly do these beliefs affect us? And how do we shift these beliefs in ways that can potentially help us optimize our health and well-being? A number of psychological theories and studies can answer these questions.
Modifying our beliefs is rarely thought of as a health strategy itself, but the evidence suggests this approach may be just as helpful as traditional or alternative medicines. In this 20-page eBook, you’ll learn strategies to cultivate beliefs that can positively impact your health.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Body Electric Summit 2.0 taking place on February 22-28, 2021.
Own The Body Electric Summit 2.0 expert advice today!
Your access to these talks allows you to download or watch them online!
Recognizing that life is made up of energy (your biofield) — and that energy has its own resonance — biofield medicine sees disease and suffering as disruptions. In a state of disease, you have simply lost your optimal frequency.
From this perspective, optimizing and recalibrating the biofield and energetic body becomes possible using energy, frequency and vibration to create a systemic resonance of healing.
In this synchronicity, the domino’s of bad health stop falling and begin to right themselves.
We invite you to explore this exciting, innovative field of frequency medicine and its many modalities, including ozone, PEMF, photodynamic therapy, harmonizing technologies and biomagnetism.
Want to fine-tune your Body Electric?
Let’s do it together!
As part of The Body Electric Summit 2.0, you’ll:
- Meet the pioneers in exploring the Body Electric
- Explore light, sound and color therapies
- Gain an understanding of the role of hydration
- Discover clinical energy medicine applications
- Advance your knowledge of how to mediate negative impacts of EMFs
- Access strategies to support mitochondrial health
- Learn about the connection between trauma and brain health
- And so much more!
Learn how your body’s energetic pathways can be accessed through nutrition, sound, water and light — and their modern technological applications — to amplify an environment of healing!
- Unlimited access to all 49 audio/video expert talks
- Eight expert interviews from the original Body Electric Summit (listed below!)
- The 2020 Body Electric Resource eGuide
- Downloadable PDF transcripts (& full transcripts eBook)
- Plus, expert bonus guides, books & programs
This post was written byMarketGuy
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