Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit
- Posted By kd_lewis
- Posted on July 6, 2020
- Anti-Aging, Brain Function, Health, Memory, Mental Health
- No Comments.
Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit: August 10-16, 2020
Your hosts for this event, Master Mingtong Gu and Nathan Crane, will be interweaving diverse perspectives on health, healing and conscious awakening.
Master Mingtong Gu has mastered the unique ability to lead the collective energy field to accelerate personal and global healing.
Each day of the summit he will be leading a teaching and healing meditation.
Nathan Crane, has journeyed from a teenage lifestyle of poor diet and addiction to a healing path dedicated to sobriety, daily meditation, continuous research into health and nutrition, and learning from wisdom keepers and spiritual teachers.
In 2013, his grandfather passed away from cancer, which prompted his ever-deepening research into health and awakening, and led him to a life of increased vitality, fulfillment and purpose.
They’re both here to help you by sharing their hard-earned wisdom.
The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit will help you:
- Increase mental clarity, joy and energy
- Address and prevent chronic health conditions
- Awaken to deeper levels of intuition and insight
- Find and cultivate spiritual guidance from within
- Boost your immune system
- Discover ancient healing practices
- Access the latest research on nutritional excellence
- And so much more!
Millions of people around the world are lacking the energy and vitality they once had, and are feeling more lonely, desperate and spiritually disconnected than ever.
While increasing levels of stress, tension, fear and anxiety compromise immunity and increase the risk of chronic health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and depression.
But there is good news: You can tap into the wisdom of your own body and mind to find the answer to renewed connectedness, health and energy!
Don’t miss The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit from August 10-16, 2020, free and online!
Choose a FREE Gift when you Register Today!
Select the FREE Gift you would like to receive from the selections below.
You will also be registered to attend the Healing Chronic Stress & Disease Summit, Free and Online August 10-16, 2020.
Unlock Nathan Crane’s 196-page eBook, 27 Flavors of Fulfillment: How to Live Life to the Fullest, and learn how to resolve inner conflict, depression and health crises!

With over 7 billion people on the planet, we can, one by one, begin to reshape and co-create the majestic, beautiful, healing, natural paradise on earth that we all deserve.
When you think positively, it not only changes your life, but adds beneficial energy to the collective consciousness that permeates the entire planet, and can change the lives of others in a meaningful and positive way.
Packed with real-world examples from 27 expert authors, this powerful eBook reveals how to resolve inner conflict, depression and health crises. Each chapter shares a unique viewpoint with strategies for living an abundant, meaningful life.
With exercises, meditations, life-practices and thought provoking stories, this eBook includes a complete set of guidelines and a “workbook” for designing and living a meaningful, healthy, happy and fulfilling life. You will benefit greatly by referencing this valuable resource time and time again.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit taking place on August 10-16, 2020
Unlock Master Mingtong Gu’s guided meditation, Ancient Wisdom and Guided Meditation for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, and realize your ability to transform anxiety into love and inner peace!

We are collectively facing very challenging times: uncertainty, fear, anxiety and isolation are resulting in cumulative stress and overwhelm in our bodies and minds.
Wisdom Healing Qigong is a process you can use to simply and directly release the stagnant energy patterns created by these physical and emotional challenges, and awaken to a new experience!
In this exclusive meditation, Master Mingtong Gu shares ancient wisdom for transforming fear and anxiety into clarity, compassion and confidence. This powerful teaching reveals where fear originates and how to move through it.
Unlock your ability to transform anxiety into love and inner peace!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit taking place on August 10-16, 2020.
Own The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit expert advice today!
The challenges we face every day as human-beings are not only getting more scary as we move forward into a technocratic global society, but are becoming more prevalent and closer to home.
By knowing how to utilize both ancient traditions and modern science, it’s possible to rejuvenate and maximize spiritual, emotional and physical growth — making true health and awakening possible!
Want to tap into your own innate healing wisdom?
Let’s do it together!
Lean on the wisdom of our experts to help:
- Increase mental clarity, joy and energy
- Address and prevent chronic health conditions
- Awaken to deeper levels of intuition and insight
- Find and cultivate spiritual guidance from within
- Boost your immune system
- Discover ancient healing practices
- Access the latest research on nutritional excellence
- And so much more!
Purchase the Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit & receive the following FREE Gifts!
The Wholesome Living eCourse – FROM NATHAN CRANE
This 21-day online video course is designed to help you create a healthy, vibrant and vital life. Includes 21 inspiring, practical videos and a 15-page workbook.
The Leaky Gut Solutions eGuide – FROM PETER OSBORNE, DC, DACBN, PSCD
Dr. Osborne shares his proven gut healing protocols and breaks down the exact steps to break free of autoimmune pain. You’ll also receive an additional video version of The Leaky Gut Solutions Guide!
The Best of Your Best Sleep Ever eCourse – FROM MISTY WILLIAMS
Health protocols won’t help you heal if you’re not sleeping well! Learn how to reset your circadian rhythms to restore, repair and heal. Learn how to combat fatigue and optimize your sleep for radiant energy, weight loss and vitality to live your best life!
Meditations on Love eBundle – FROM JANET BRAY ATTWOOD
Experience the powerfully transformational energy of these beautiful meditations and shift how you experience love. Includes 21 meditations and I Want for You What You Want for You eBook.
The Chapel of the Heart: Stories That Heal Video Series – FROM JOAN BORYSENKO, PHD
Chronic stress and disease can depress the body’s innate capacity to heal. Exploring a more expansive spiritual perspective can help calm your mind, open your heart and restore physical and emotional resilience. This exclusive 4-part video series shares short, powerful stories and meditations that will nurture your body, mind and spirit.
Self-Love Guided Meditation Download – FROM NIKI GRATRIX, BA, DIP ION, NANP
Discover the benefits of meditation. Learn how to practice daily grounding and breathing exercises to support your vagus nerve and create a sense of peace and safety.
GreenMedInfo’s Science of Longevity eReport – FROM SAYER JI
If 25% of your longevity is determined by your genes, then what controls the other 75%? This special report provides an overview of what science says, to date, about why we age and what we can do to pull back the reins on Father Time.
Transform the Toxic Body eBook – FROM NYKKI HARDIN
This eBook explains exactly how to cleanse your body of harmful toxins and chemicals without fasting, starving or sacrificing your lifestyle. Learn how your metabolism works and how to eat for optimal physical and mental health.
Reduce the Impact of Stress on the Body with PEMFs eGuide – FROM WILLIAM PAWLUK, MD, MSC
Dr. William Pawluk, the foremost authority on the use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) in North America, examines how stress can trigger and aggravate disease. Explore how PEMF can reduce stress and help your body heal.
Essential Oils Starter Kit – FROM ERIC ZIELINSKI, DC
Enjoyed by more than 525,000 people, get started using essential oils the right way with the first THREE videos from Dr. Z’s Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass!
Long Term EMF Protection: Start Feeling Better Today eBook – FROM LLOYD BURRELL
EMFs are linked to premature aging, memory loss, inflammation and cancer. Discover dozens of practical solutions and detox strategies to protect yourself and your family from the negative effects of EMF exposure.
Activating the Healer Within Meditation – FROM SUE MORTER, DC
Learn how to ground, integrate and activate the healing presence within you. This restorative meditation was created to help you reactivate your innate creative essence.
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