Anti-Cancer Revolution 2
- Posted By kd_lewis
- Posted on September 14, 2020
- Anti-Cancer, Detox, evidence-based medicine, foods that prevent cancer, Health, holistic approach to cancer, holistic oncology, integrative oncology, Mens Health, natural cancer therapies, Women's Health
- No Comments.
Anti-Cancer Revolution 2: October 19-25, 2020
When all approaches to cancer treatment aren’t readily available, how do you know you’re finding everything you need to heal?
Thousands of studies prove the efficacy of complementary medicine, in both survival time and quality of life, yet conventional oncologists continue to ignore or even discourage its use.
With the many approaches to cancer treatment, there’s a lot of information to sift through, and some of it isn’t easy to find.
But for just about every cancer-related ailment or treatment side effect, there’s a way to dramatically lessen or eliminate it altogether!
Your host, Ryan Sternagel, has been researching holistic and integrative approaches to cancer ever since his son, Ryder, was diagnosed with stage four cancer six years ago, just 11 days before his first birthday.
He and his wife, Teddy, have made Ryder’s healing journey public for all to see, and their mission has grown from healing their son (who’s now one of the healthiest kids you’ll ever meet) to sharing the best possible information on healing and preventing cancer with EVERYONE who needs it.
He’s here to help you by sharing his wisdom.
At this ground-breaking event, you’ll learn more about:
- What it takes to create an anti-cancer mindset
- Mind-body medicine
- Healing after cancer
- Anti-cancer diet & supplement strategies
- Managing treatment side effects
- Integrative cancer treatments
- Testing not offered in hospitals
- Conventional vs. integrative & holistic oncology
- Cleaning up the tumor micro-environment
- Natural alternatives to pharmaceutical medications
- Avoiding all cancer causing toxicants
- Becoming your own best advocate
- And more!
In many of the online health series out there, cancer often comes up as the ultimate test — the “if you can heal or prevent this, you can heal or prevent just about anything” disease.
While there have been quite a few amazing cancer-specific productions bringing awareness to life-saving integrative approaches to cancer, there remains a lot of surface-level information out there to sift through.
And that content can be a little short on specifics.
Combined with the level of detail needed to succeed in a holistic approach to cancer, this leaves an opening (and a need!) to fill in those specifics.
That’s why I’m SO excited to tell you about this new event focused exclusively on healing and preventing cancer!
The Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 is a carefully curated collection of comprehensive, heavily referenced presentations — covering everything from diet and lifestyle to therapies and supplements to mind-body medicine — with the oncology specialists who teach other doctors!
Integrative physicians typically pay hundreds of dollars to attend an event like this!
You can join us for FREE, just click the button below to be enrolled to attend the Anti-Cancer Revolution 2. Free and Online October 19-25, 2020.
Choose a FREE Gift when you Register Today!
Select the FREE Gift you would like to receive from the selections below.
You will also be enrolled to attend the Anti Cancer Revolution 2, FREE and online October 19-25, 2020.
Unlock Ryan Sternagel’s 5-page eGuide, The 16 BEST Anti-Cancer Nuts & Seeds, and learn how you can snack your way to good health by eating nuts and seeds that are full of cancer-fighting nutrients!

It’s estimated around 40% of all cancers can be prevented by diet and lifestyle modifications alone!
Many studies suggest that nut consumption is associated with reduced cancer mortality. Nuts contain bioactive compounds that affect the cellular processes involved in tumor development and progression.
They are packed with vitamins and minerals, fatty acids and fiber, and loaded with phytochemicals with proven anti-cancer properties.
Learn how you can snack your way to good health by eating nuts and seeds that are full of cancer-fighting nutrients in this 5-page eGuide!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 taking place on October 19-25, 2020.
Unlock Ryan Sternagel’s 6-page eGuide, The 19 BEST Anti-Cancer Herbs and Spices, and learn which scientifically researched herbs and spices provide the greatest bioactive nutrients and health benefits!

Herbs and spices are revered not only for their culinary properties but for their health benefits, including lowering the risk of cancer!
Herbs have been used for centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes, and now the science is accumulating to back this up.
A growing body of research has demonstrated the health benefits attributed to herbs, including their antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the potential ability to protect against cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, type 2 diabetes and cancer.
Learn which 19 scientifically researched herbs and spices provide the greatest bioactive nutrients and health benefits in this 6-page eGuide!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 taking place on October 19-25, 2020.
Unlock HealthMeans’ 25 Evidence-Based Anti-Cancer Strategies eBook and learn to reduce your cancer risk with anti-cancer foods, diet strategies and beneficial anti-cancer habits!

Cancer is scary! It can sneak up on us, making us sick, robbing us of our livelihood, and potentially even killing us. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
One research-supported strategy for improving our health is the use of “reverse engineering.” We do this by working backwards — first looking at factors that cause cancer, then looking at the things that cause those factors, and so on. By building our anti-cancer lifestyle this way, we can be more confident that the actions we take have real positive impacts and reduce our cancer risk.
We’re not guessing; we’re using the science to guide us!
The majority of this eBook focuses on diet and inflammation, and at the end, we devote a little more time to talking about other potential causes of cancer.
With this information, you’ll feel more empowered to take back control over your life and reduce your cancer risk.
By making the simple changes discussed in this 26-page eBook, you’ll learn exactly what to do to create an anti-cancer diet and lifestyle!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 taking place on October 19-25, 2020.
Own The Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 expert advice today!
When all approaches to cancer treatment aren’t readily available, how do you know you’re finding everything you need to heal?
With so many approaches to cancer treatment, there’s a lot of information to sift through, and some of it isn’t easy to find.
But, for just about every cancer-related ailment or treatment side effect, there’s a way to dramatically lessen it.
Want to explore the many approaches to cancer treatment? Let’s do it together!
Lean on the wisdom of our integrative oncology experts to help with:
- Creating an anti-cancer mindset
- Integrating mind-body medicine
- Healing after cancer
- Anti-cancer diet & supplement strategies
- Managing treatment side effects
- Discovering integrative cancer treatments
- Finding testing not offered in hospitals
- Understanding conventional vs. integrative & holistic oncology
- Natural alternatives to pharmaceutical medications
- Avoiding all cancer causing toxicants
- Becoming your own best advocate
- And so much more!
Purchase The Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 to receive the following FREE gifts!

The Wholesome Living eCourse –
From Nathan Crane
A $197.00 Value!
This 21-day online video course is designed to help you create a healthy, vibrant and vital life. Includes 21 inspiring, practical videos and a 15-page workbook.

$50 Off purchase of My Breast Friend Model –
From Véronique Desaulniers, DC
A $50.00 Value!
Size matters when it comes to breast cancer detection.The average size breast lump found by a woman who is not trained to do a breast self-exam is the size of a ping pong ball! A properly trained woman can find a lump the size of a pea. My Breast Friend Training System teaches you what, how and where to feel. Includes a 20 minute instructional video.

Long Term EMF Protection: Start Feeling Better Today eBook –
From Lloyd Burrell
A $25.00 Value!
EMFs are linked to premature aging, memory loss, inflammation and cancer. Discover dozens of practical solutions and detox strategies to protect yourself and your family from the negative effects of EMF exposure.
Purchase The Anti-Cancer Revolution 2 to receive the following FREE additional summit content!

The Anti-Cancer Revolution from Ryan Sternagel – FROM RYAN STERNAGEL
A $59.00 Value!
Deepen your knowledge of innovative cancer care with unlimited access to Ryan’s first anti-cancer summit! Learn from the world’s top natural healing (and living) experts, integrative doctors and naturopathic oncologists. They’ll share natural ways to support your fight against cancer using nutrition, oils, homeopathy, cellular detox, fasting, ozone therapy, botanical chemo, hyperbarics, epigenetics and more!
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