Candida Summit
- Posted By MarketGuy
- Posted on March 30, 2020
- Anti-Cancer, autoimmunity, Candida, Detox, Health, Mens Health, Women's Health
- No Comments.

Attend the CANDIDA Summit, Free and Online May 4-10, 2020.
Even though candida is an important part of your digestive process, if unchecked, it can cause serious damage to your health.
Certain lifestyle choices and/or illness can deplete the “good” bacteria in your body to create room for candida growth:
- Use of antibiotics
- A high-sugar diet
- Allergies
- Years of drinking alcohol
- An immunosuppressive illness
- Use of NSAIDs
- Birth control
- Exposure to mold and mycotoxins
Evan has personal experience with this, you see, Evan also suffered (and healed!) from candida, parasite infections and bacterial overgrowth.
In his health practice, upwards of 95% of his clients have some degree of candida overgrowth — time and time again, he sees debilitating and mysterious symptoms disappear once candida overgrowth is addressed.
In his clinical experience (and personal struggle) with mold and mycotoxins, Evan has also found a huge link between candida overgrowth and these toxins.
Candida can also be extremely difficult to test for and diagnose, Evans personal experience dealing with this condition makes him a good resource.
If you are struggling, or think you’re struggling with these health concerns you should consider attending the CANDIDA SUMMIT, FREE and online May 4-10, 2020.
Click the button below to register.
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You will also be enrolled to attend the Candida Summit, FREE and online May 4-10, 2020.
Unlock these interview transcripts from Evan Brand’s podcast, The Evan Brand Show

On The Evan Brand Show, you’ll find a mix of functional medicine case studies, deep dives into various topics such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleep issues, supplement protocols, lab testing, as well as the many lectures on the various functional medicine and biohacking topics.
These full-length interview transcripts are chock full of those pearls of health wisdom.
Here are quotes from Dr. Justin Marchegiani, JW Biava and Dr. Margaret Christensen:
Dr. Justin Marchegiani
“We want to sleep within our natural circadian rhythm. So, cortisol naturally drops at that 10 a.m. time. And then when cortisol drops, melatonin increases. So there is this natural inverse relationship between cortisol and melatonin. And melatonin is a very powerful antioxidant. It helps stimulate that really good deep sleep. So, you want to tap into it during that natural cortisol rhythm of the drop in cortisol followed by the rise in melatonin. That’s very, very important.”
JW Biava
“We seal buildings up so tight that we have no air exchange, no fresh air. So we allow toxins to build up in there. And then with our current building practices, the cheapest way to build a house is to do wood studs with drywall, and both are just candy for mold. We put pipes everywhere. We hide the pipes so we can’t see them. We develop a tiny pinhole leak, never know it. Our dishwasher maybe leaks, and it drains back towards the wall. We never see it leaking. We put bathtubs upstairs, and maybe there’s a break in the grout and it leaks down into the ceiling space and we never see it. And we just grow mold. We basically live in incubators now.”
Dr. Margaret Christensen
“What we realize is that most psychiatric illnesses are a combination of, yes, you probably have some genetic predispositions. But then you have exposures to toxins. Mold mycotoxins can be very anxiety provoking. But infections, too. Infections are huge.”
As you can see, these transcripts are full of worthwhile perspectives and protocols of the health trade, so I hope you’ll take a moment to download them today.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Candida Summit taking place on May 4-10, 2020
Over 35 experts teaching you more about how certain lifestyle choices and/or illness can deplete the “good” bacteria in your body to create room for candida growth.
Unlock Evan Brand’s 73-page eBook, Stress Solutions: Hack Your Stress, Calm Your System and Take Charge

Stress is a modern day epidemic. We haven’t always been this way.
Sure, we’ve dealt with stress in the past, but not stress like today.
Modern times present hundreds of new variables that we’ve never faced before. From the second you wake up to the second you go to sleep, technology, bills, work and the future itself loom overhead.
How are you supposed to move forward if you are held back by emotional and psychological handicaps?
It’s not an easy question to answer, but people like you are learning to deal with this new era of stress…
You can too, with this 73-page eBook from Evan!
Over 35 experts teaching you more about how certain lifestyle choices and/or illness can deplete the “good” bacteria in your body to create room for candida growth.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Candida Summit taking place on May 4-10, 2020

Order The Candida Summit today!
Candida is a naturally occurring, yet “opportunistic” fungus. With the right conditions, there’s no limit to where it will spread and, when rampant, it can cause intense sugar cravings, brain fog, bloating, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, low energy or worse… chronic diseases.
Certain lifestyle choices and/or illness can deplete the “good” bacteria in your body to create room for candida growth: antibiotics, high-sugar diet, allergies, years of alcoholic consumption, immunosuppressive illnesses, NSAIDs, birth control, to name a few.
When you purchase these expert talks, you’ll learn:
- Proper testing and treatments for candida
- How to create an overall candida protocol
- Correlations with candida and other diseases
- Functional medicine approaches to improved health
- Best essential oils for candida, and other fungi or bacteria
- Safe supplement protocols for candida and detoxing
- Dietary tweaks to prevent/reverse candida overgrowth
- How to approach gut/testing protocols with kids
- Other natural, holistic healing tactics and strategies
- And more!
Purchase the CANDIDA Summit & receive the following FREE Gift!
Essential Oils Starter Kit – FROM ERIC ZIELINSKI, DC, MPH(C)
Enjoyed by more than 525,000 people, get started using essential oils the right way with the first THREE videos from Dr. Z’s Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass!
Buy today and you’ll unlock the ONLINE (PDF) TRANSCRIPTS BOOK, read every word from every day’s interviews!
This post was written byMarketGuy
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