Best of The Essential Oils Revolution
- Posted By MarketGuy
- Posted on April 13, 2020
- Anti-Cancer, Beauty, Health, Herbal Medicine, Home Remedies, Women's Health
- No Comments.

Attend the Best of The Essential Oils Revolution: May 18-24, 2020
Why Attend?
Your host, Dr. Eric Zielinski, never intended to leave his career as a public health clinical researcher and medical writer; he became an essential oils advocate after he was commissioned to write a series of public health reports about essential oils.
While immersed in the clinical research literature that supported essential oils as a viable treatment option for many chronic diseases and mental health issues, Dr. Z also discovered much dissent and misinformation surrounding essential oils.
He learned that most essential oil consumers are looking for evidence-based, non-branded resources to teach them the truth about essential oils for their health concerns.
The Best of the Essential Oils Revolution will help you with:
- The science and efficacy of aromatherapy
- Practical uses and safety for the whole family (pets too!)
- Aromatherapy for immune system support
- Easy, non-toxic DIY hand sanitizer and cleaning products
- EOs for the top 7 women’s health concerns
- Tips for regulating blood sugar and balancing hormones
- Pain, stress and sleep remedies
- Culinary uses for essential oils
- And so much more!
People all over the world are scrambling to find answers to health problems such as acute infections, diabetes, pain, chronic fatigue, anxiety, estrogenic cancers and more, and many have experienced great success with essential oils.
Whether you’re wanting to transform your health or create safe, toxin-free products to protect your health and sanitize your home, this information is vital to better understanding the efficacy and safe use of essential oils.
There are huge chasms separating different factions of the essential oils industry: aromatherapists, chemists, marketing distributors, clinical researchers and governing agencies all view essential oils with a different lens.
More than 75% of EOs on the market are adulterated and counterfeits spring up like wildfire.
Medical professionals are in a sticky situation: they may be in favor of alternative therapies, but unless they have extra training in essential oils, doctors and pharmacists can neither confirm nor deny the therapeutic use of essential oils because it is out of their scope of practice.
A vast majority of bloggers are simply not trained as public health researchers, medical writers or aromatherapists, and have no business teaching about the therapeutic nature of essential oils.
So how do you ascertain the TRUTH about essential oils?
Millions of people visit Dr. Eric Zielinski’s website and social media pages every year looking for evidence-based, non-branded resources to teach them the truth about essential oils for their health concerns.
Because it can be a confusing mess out there…
To sort this mess out, join us online at The Best of the Essential Oils Revolution!
When you register, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life?
Click the button below to join us for The Best of the Essential Oils Revolution, FREE and online May 18-24, 2020.
Choose a FREE Gift when you Enroll Today!
Select the FREE Gift you would like to receive from the selections below.
You will also be enrolled to attend The Best of the Essential Oils Revolution, FREE and online May 18-24, 2020.
Unlock Dr. Eric Zielinski’s DIY Dilution Chart + Roller Bottle Chart + Carrier Oil Guide + Photosensitivity eGuide bundle

People all over the world are scrambling to find answers to health problems such as acute infections, diabetes, pain, chronic fatigue, anxiety, estrogenic cancers and more, and many have experienced great success with essential oils.
Whether you’re wanting to transform your health or create safe, toxin-free products to protect your health and sanitize your home, this information is vital to better understanding the efficacy and safe use of essential oils.
No more guesswork, confusing math, conversions or wondering how many drops to use with these 4 beautiful, easy-to-follow printables:
- DIY Dilution Guide
- Roller Bottle Guide
- 4 Categories of CARRIER OILS to Know
- Essential Oils and Photosensitivity
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Best of The Essential Oils Revolution® taking place on May 18-24, 2020 — over 30 experts teaching you more about how to use essential oils safely and effectively can make the difference between sickness and health, and as more counterfeits spring up, knowing the TRUTH about essential oils is paramount! Learn if oils could be the missing ingredient for you and your family!
Unlock Dr. Eric Zielinski’s 101-page eBook, Gut Health Guide & Essential Oils Protocol

There’s a reason we shorten the Standard American Diet to S-A-D. Never has a more fitting abbreviation been seen in the health industry. Our food, and the way our body processes that food, impacts our health in profound ways.
And, it all starts in the gut!
Put simply, when our gut isn’t healthy and happy, nothing about our bodies is healthy and happy. Gut health and digestive issues are one of the most common concerns shared by our Natural Living Family and most of them ask me about ways essential oils can help.
This ebook is a direct result of those queries and the research Dr. Z has done, and covers:
+ The Digestive Health Trifecta
+ Low Stomach Acid Symptoms & Acid Reflux Relief
+ Leaky Gut Signs, Symptoms & Strategies
+ Probiotics & Importance of Soil Based Organisms
+ Probiotics & the Truth About Weight Loss
+ Bioactive Foods & Why You Need Them
+ Digestive Enzymes & Key Benefits
+ Getting You Started with Aromatherapy
+ Using Carrier Oils for Double Benefits
+ Culinary Dosing & Cooking with Essential Oils
+ Top Essential Oils for Gut Health
+ Gut Health Protocol
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Best of The Essential Oils Revolution® taking place on May 18-24, 2020.
HealthMeans has unlocked some of their most influential interviews about essential oils

There is SO MUCH to be learned from these 3 interview transcripts — in fact, there are practically always amazing insights from these icons in natural health and wellness who have made it their mission to help heal the world!
In this 34-page document, you’ll learn about:
- “Essential Oil Safety” with Nyssa Hanger and Sylla Sheppard-Hanger
- “How to Rebalance Your Hormones with Essential Oils” with Magdalena Wszelaki
- “Using Essential Oils as Supplements” with Wendy Myers
Here are some astonishing quotes from the interviews:
Nyssa Hanger
“I love when we’re out some place and someone asks, ‘What’s a good oil for stress?’ And I’ve got to say, ‘Well, what are you stressed about?’ And I explain that your oil that really helps you reduce your stress is not going to be the oil that does it for me or the blend that does for me. And so part of what we want to do is help people elevate their knowledge to feel empowered that they can create an effective synergistic blend and not just have to use whatever this book says to use for headaches, for example.”
Sylla Sheppard-Hanger
“You aren’t meant to go through 2 bottles of lemon oil a month. I go through one a year. I don’t drink it. There’s no need to drink it. There’s no need to use it undiluted. Oils are cost effective when they’re used properly. And, again, I’ve used them for 40 years for cleaning, healthcare and everything else. And I don’t spend that much money for them.”
Magdalena Wszelaki
“The thing that I really like about peppermint is that it improves the flow of bile, which, interestingly, a lot of women who had their gallbladders removed develop hormonal problems like 6 months after the procedure. And Western medicine doesn’t really recognize the fact that bile plays an important role in flushing out our hormones and metabolizing them through the liver. So peppermint is a wonderful way of promoting that flow of bile.”
Wendy Myers with Dr. Eric Zielinski
“There is no one brand. It doesn’t work like that. There are multiple brands that sell good products. You just have to find the right few for you. My wife and I use several different brands. And you will. And we have our favorites. And they come, and they go, and they change. So don’t believe the lie. There isn’t just one perfect pure brand in the world. Don’t believe it.
As you can see, these transcripts are full of worthwhile perspectives and protocols of the trade, so I hope you’ll take a moment to download them today.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Best of The Essential Oils Revolution® taking place on May 18-24, 2020.
Unlock Dr. Eric Zielinski’s 182-page eBook, Truth About Essential Oils & Cancer

According to the most accurate research to date from Cancer Research USA and the British Journal of Cancer, one in two people will develop cancer at some point in their lives.
This is absolutely ludicrous, especially because Americans alone spend more than $124 billion on cancer care! Obviously, something isn’t working, and more and more people are being awakened to the fact that the one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare that most providers have adopted is a major contributing factor.
The truth is there is no diet, no natural remedy protocol or chemotherapy strategy that will work every time. What this means is that the answer for you will not necessarily be the answer for your loved ones. Focus needs to be placed on customizing protocols and strategies to fit each individual. And, in Dr. Eric Zielinski’s opinion, this can only be done God’s way.
Combining cutting-edge science and the ancient practice of aromatherapy discussed in this 182-page eBook, you’ll be equipped with do-it-yourself tips to customize your own essential oil cancer protocol.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the Best of The Essential Oils Revolution® event taking place on May 18-24, 2020

Buy the Best of the Essential Oils Revolution
People all across the world are scrambling to find solutions to their health problems — millions are turning to natural solutions and many have experienced great success with essential oils. Of all the “alternative” options, essential oils offer a powerful and affordable answer toward creating optimum health!
Could essential oils be the missing ingredient for you and your family? Let’s find out together!
Lean on the wisdom of our health experts to help with:
- The science and efficacy of aromatherapy
- Practical uses and safety for the whole family (pets too!)
- Aromatherapy for immune system support
- Easy, non-toxic DIY hand sanitizer and cleaning products
- EOs for the top 7 women’s health concerns
- Tips for regulating blood sugar and balancing hormones
- Pain, stress and sleep remedies
- Culinary uses for essential oils
- And so much more!
Buy today and you’ll unlock the ONLINE (PDF) Transcript Books — read every word from every day’s interviews!
Purchase The Best of The Essential Oils Revolution to receive the following FREE gifts!
Mystery Symptom Masterclass – FROM HOLLY J BERTONE, CNHP, PMP
Learn from 29 of the world’s most prominent medical, naturopathic and health experts, and discover the root cause of your chronic illness. Topics covered include fatigue, infections, toxins and more!
Never Fear Breast Cancer Again 7-Day Online Program – FROM VERONIQUE DESAULNIERS, DC
Discover the 7 Essentials System®, a complete and step-by-step educational program that details how you can prevent “dis-ease” and naturally create vibrant health. Transform your lifestyle and start seeing results, FAST! Live a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.
Autoimmune Elimination Program – FROM DAVID JOCKERS, DNM, DC, MS
Learn how following an elimination diet and addressing key nutrient deficiencies can help reduce inflammation and improve autoimmune or chronic inflammatory health conditions.
Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum – FROM CAT STONE
Smooth wrinkles and discover your youthful glow with the Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum. Formulated with rejuvenating CBD and retinol, and without dangerous or animal-tested ingredients! Receive 1 bottle of Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum at no charge, just pay shipping and handling ($9.97). Only valid in all 50 US states
20 Nutritious Kid-Friendly Recipes eBook – FROM JULIE MATTHEWS, NC
Kick start your child’s nutritional journey with these 20 kid-friendly recipes. Each recipe is labeled for dietary compliance to help you maintain your family’s bioindividual nutritional needs.
Essential Oils & Pets: Webinars and Dilution eChart – FROM JANET ROARK, DVM
Access two popular webinars that share how to use essential oils with cats and dogs. PLUS you’ll receive a dilution chart to ensure proper dilution with your 4-legged family members.
Comprehensive Guide To Using Stem Cells For Pain eBook – FROM THE HEALING MIRACLE
You’ll receive cutting-edge research and step-by-step instructions to start improving your mental clarity, increase your physical energy, reduce or eliminate joint pain and protect yourself from heart disease and cancer.
Naturopathic eGuide to Viral Infections – FROM RAZI ANN BERRY
Expert advice from leading physicians on how to treat your symptoms and determine when it’s time to see your doctor.
Top 10 Essential Oils for Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness eGuide – FROM JAY DAVIDSON, DC, PSCD
Essential oils to the rescue! Discover the best EOs to add to your natural toolbox and learn how to manage your unwanted symptoms.
Raise Your Frequency Morning Meditation (Audio download) – FROM SHANNA LEE
You’ll receive specific frequencies that calibrate your mind and energy to feelings of joy, excitement and infinite possibility. This daily practice is designed to invoke deep personal transformation.
Immunity-Boosting Essential Oils eGuide – FROM WENDY MYERS, FDN-P
Discover Wendy’s favorite essentials oils proven to aid in both supporting immunity and killing viruses.
5G in 5 Minutes Quick and Rational Guide on 5G Radiation – FROM NICOLAS PINEAULT
“5G” is in the news worldwide, but what does science say about the health risks associated with increased radiation exposure? This report will answer these questions and help you make informed decisions about technology in your life.
7 Steps to Healing Emotional Trauma and Building Resilience eBook – FROM NIKI GRATRIX, BA, DIP ION, NANP
Learn how your childhood biography becomes your biology as an adult when you calculate your Adverse Childhood Event (ACE) score. This unique eBook will empower you to understand how these 7 steps can help heal childhood trauma and improve your health!
Detox Your Home in 20 Days eGuide – FROM JACK WOLFSON, DO, FACC
Is your home loaded with chemicals and toxins that are inflaming your body? When these poisons enter your lungs, gut and skin, your body cries out and pain, allergies and fatigue set in, ending in disease. Discover how to detox your home, one day at a time, and get synthetic chemicals out of your life.
Instant Pot & Slow Cooker Meals Kids Can Make Video – FROM KIDS COOK REAL FOOD
Kids can make entire dinners for their family, even without knife skills! This skill lab includes 3 step-by-step videos, 4 recipes and printable lesson plans.
And much more!
Buy today and you’ll unlock the ONLINE (PDF) Transcript Books — read every word from every day’s interviews!
This post was written byMarketGuy
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