Lighting the Path
- Posted By kd_lewis
- Posted on December 18, 2020
- Anti-Aging, Biological Medicine, evidence-based medicine, Health, Mens Health, natural medicine, Self-Improvement, Women's Health
- No Comments.

Lighting the Path: January 11-17, 2021
Why attend this important health event?
Director, producer and your host, Gabe Golden, created this transformative film and seven-episode series to share the solutions that brought him out of a dark and hopeless place to an incredible level of health.
With empowering patient stories, practitioner insights and supporting expert interviews, this event serves as an inspiring, entertaining and essential guide for anyone facing chronic illness.
The Lighting the Path Film and Series could help you with:
- Building your healing power with nutrition
- Healing the gut lining to prevent autoimmune reactions
- Optimizing your biology with technology
- Choosing biological medicine for whole-body healing
- Accessing the parasympathetic state for whole-body healing
- Creating a healing state of mind
- Understanding interference fields and how they prevent healing
- Accessing resources for your personal lifestyle transformation
- And so much more!
Has mainstream medicine failed to bring you answers to your pain and symptoms?
Join us and discover the core components of healing and how you can implement them into your life.
There are now more than 80 autoimmune diseases with increasing prevalence.
Most doctors only offer pharmaceuticals (often with dangerous side effects) and have a limited ability to accurately diagnose the underlying causes of autoimmunity, Lyme disease or other chronic conditions.
But true healing is possible.
There are solutions, and there are physicians who treat each person’s unique biology to maximize their healing potential.
Enhance you capacity for healing when you attend this complementary, online event!
Register to attend by clicking the button below:
Choose a FREE Gift when you Sign-Up today!
Select the FREE Gift you would like to receive from the selections below.
You will also be registered to attend The Lighting the Path film and Series, FREE and online January 11-17, 2021!
Unlock The Health Benefits of Chlorella eGuide presented by Mike Broadwell’s Why Inflammation?, and learn how to introduce this dynamic algae into your diet!

Chlorella is a single-celled, green algae that holds superfood status because of its high nutrient and protein content. It has the potential to feed the world, improve the environment and has numerous health benefits.
Chlorella contains:
- Phytonutrients
- Magnesium, potassium and phosphorus
- Beta-carotene
- Chlorophyll
- B-complex vitamins
- Biotin
- Essential amino acids
- And three times the amount of protein than meat
This 19-page eGuide will introduce you to research on the immune-boosting, weight loss, detox, anti-cancer and neurological benefits of chlorella.
Discover how to introduce this dynamic algae into your diet!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Lighting the Path Film and Series taking place on January 11-17, 2021.
Unlock the 23-page eGuide, Gardening for Stress Relief, presented by Mike Broadwell’s Why Inflammation?, and learn how gardening therapy can turn your life around for the better!

If you have stress in your life, you’re not alone. There are millions who suffer from stress. Unfortunately, the go-to answer is to rely on medication in an effort to relieve symptoms. The problem with using this approach to deal with stress is that medication is a temporary fix.
It’s time to find more natural methods to relieve the symptoms of stress rather than relying on medications that can cause side effects and prevent you from dealing with stress in a healthier way.
Discover the natural, stress-relieving health benefits of gardening in this 23-page eGuide and find out how gardening therapy can turn your life around for the better!
You’ll learn the many different variations of gardening and be on the fast track to becoming a gardening enthusiast.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Lighting the Path Film and Series taking place on January 11-17, 2021.
Unlock HealthMeans’ 26 Autoimmune Health Tips eBook, and learn about autoimmunity and the things you can do to help control your body’s ability to fight back!

Did you know that there are currently more than 70 identified autoimmune conditions affecting the US population?
Autoimmune diseases are chronic conditions that involve the destruction of one’s own bodily tissues by T helper cells, a part of the immune system. These conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Grave’s disease, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus and more.
Autoimmune diseases are generally thought to arise from inflammation, which can be brought on by infection, toxins, stress, food, allergens and other causes. However, genes appear to put some people at higher risk while others have relatively low risk for autoimmune disease. Treatment and management focus on regulating the immune response and decreasing inflammation.
It is possible to stop or reverse this process by changing some key lifestyle habits. Discover simple steps you can take at home to decrease the risk for, or severity of, autoimmune conditions in this 22-page eBook.
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Lighting the Path Film and Series taking place on January 11-17, 2021.

Own The Lighting the Path Film and Series expert advice today!
True healing is possible. There are solutions, and there are physicians who treat each person’s unique biology to maximize their healing potential.
With empowering patient stories, practitioner insights and supporting expert interviews, this event serves as an inspiring, entertaining and essential guide for anyone facing autoimmunity, Lyme disease or other chronic conditions.
It’s time to redefine what we expect from ourselves and our medical system. Let’s do it together!
Lean on the wisdom of our health experts to help with:
- Building your healing power with nutrition
- Healing the gut lining to prevent autoimmune reactions
- Optimizing your biology with technology
- Choosing biological medicine for whole-body healing
- Accessing the parasympathetic state for whole-body healing
- Creating a healing state of mind
- Understanding interference fields and how they prevent healing
- Accessing resources for your personal lifestyle transformation
- And so much more!
Purchase The Lighting the Path Film and Series to receive the following FREE gifts!

Betrayal Docuseries: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You –
From Tom O’Bryan
A $97.00 Value
Autoimmune disease has become an epidemic, ruining the lives of hundreds of millions of people globally. Join us for this epic 9-part docu-series to discover solutions and treatments to help you turn the tide and improve your life.

Daily Field Clearance Meditation –
From Niki Gratrix
A $30.00 Value
Discover a daily grounding and breathing exercise that stimulates your vagus nerve, creates a balanced alpha brainwave state and instills a sense of peace. This soothing meditation provides gentle subconscious re-imprinting of negative emotions and transmits a sense of self-love and safety.

Fire in the Belly Companion eBook –
From Keith Scott-Mumby
A $27.00 Value
Chronic inflammation is the root cause of physical and mental illness. Extinguish the destructive heat of inflammation to live a long, healthy life. Discover strategies for reducing systemic inflammation by limiting inflammatory foods or removing inflammatory people from your life.

The Role of Interference Fields in Chronic Illness eGuide –
From Christine Schaffner
A $25.00 Value
Interference fields including scars, concussions and root canals bioaccumulate environmental and metabolic toxins. These blocked areas restrict normal energy flow, perpetuating illness, and prevent the body from healing. Learn how eliminating these roadblocks allows the body to self-regulate and heal from chronic illness.

Lloyd’s Daily Energy Routine eGuide –
From Lloyd Burrell
A $25.00 Value
Take control of your health at an energetic level and live an amazing life! Discover over 40 healthy, energetic living strategies, identify and mitigate EMF hot-spots in your home and learn how to tap into the beneficial energies surrounding you.

Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing eGuide –
From DrJ Publishing LLC
Autophagy is a process in which your body renews and rejuvenates its cellular components. This action is critical for optimizing your health and preventing disease. Discover researched-based strategies and attain deep cellular healing!
Purchase The Lighting the Path Film and Series to receive the following FREE advanced content!

Director’s “Behind-the-Scenes” Introspective Video
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the process and challenges of creating the Lighting the Path Film and Series while struggling to find the answers for healing. In this video, director Gabe Golden reflects on the project’s evolution, the gamble involved in filming without a clear ending and the synchronicity of it all.

This companion guide to the Lighting the Path Film and Series will provide a comprehensive overview of its key subjects, definitions and takeaways. You’ll discover Gabe Golden’s incentives for healing, essential habits for staying healthy and recommended resources for your healing journey!

Buy today and you’ll unlock the ONLINE (PDF) TRANSCRIPTS BOOK — read every word from every day’s interviews!
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