Thyroid Reset Summit
- Posted By MarketGuy
- Posted on February 18, 2019
- Health
- No Comments.
Thyroid Reset Summit, March 4-10 2019

The Thyroid Reset Summit covers one of the MOST common and often misdiagnosed autoimmune issues, thyroid conditions.
If you or someone you know has any of the following:
– Difficulty concentrating
– Forgetfulness
– Not able to focus like you once did
– Fatigue or sleeping challenges
– Anxiety and other mood disorders
– Unexplained changes in your weight
Your thyroid gland may be a part of the problem.
Learn more when you attend the Thyroid Reset Summit, March 4 – 10th.
Register for the Thyroid Reset Summit, Free & Online 4-10 March 2019

Detecting thyroid disease is NOT easy; a combination of gut infections, autoimmunity, food allergens, nutritional deficiencies, adrenal dysfunction, and a lot more can cause or contribute to thyroid problems.
Standard tests for thyroid disease may come back indicating that your thyroid is functioning normally and your symptoms could be explained away as just a natural result of aging.
Or a thyroid test could indicate you have thyroid disease, but even with thyroid medicine, you may not be feeling like you once did.
By looking at the body holistically, your health care provider will be able to identify the root causes of your thyroid problems or symptoms. And find the systems that are not functioning optimally.
If you want to learn more but don’t want to wait until the Thyroid Reset Summit begins you can get immediate access if you order today.
Order the Thyroid Reset Summit Today!

Dr. Justin Marchegiani created the Thyroid Reset Summit to teach you to examine your health from all angles and find answers so you can continue your healing journey.
He works with patients all over the world who are challenged by underlying thyroid issues.
This experience shifted Justin’s focus from a traditional medical approach to a more functional or natural therapeutic approach to healing; where the underlying causes of your health issues are identified and addressed.
To help you learn more about this approach he assembled 30 experts to cover a wide range of topics that can impact your thyroid function and your overall health.
You can see all of the experts for free during the Thyroid Reset Summit March 4-10 2019. Or you can order the Thyroid Reset Summit and access this information today.
Order the Thyroid Reset Summit and get instant access to these presentations
(You’ll learn about these and so much more at The Thyroid Reset Summit!)
This post was written byMarketGuy
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